The importance of detaching temporarily from a series of work.

I sit at my desk finally re-scanning a series I shot about a month ago. I had been planning it for months and in my mind the project had grown and grown. Till I actually made the work, when it become a reality, I saw it as much, much deeper and meaningful on multiple levels than I ever could have before. But it was overwhelming.

How do I write about all of this? I asked myself. What about a title? I kinda sat on it a week, then got really busy curating and producing my first solo show. The project became but a thought like a reminder, would enter my mind once or twice every couple of days. But I was detached. It was like trying to ask a girl out and so much time passed you don’t know if you can ever follow through. I would set goals and see the reminder pop up on my phone and computer screen. Like hitting the snooze  I would opt to be reminded later. Emotionally I also became  from the work. Like I was over it in a way. However I still yearned for that connection. That passionate connection to the work when I was shooting it and planning it out. 

I’m sure you are curious about the work, it’s not published yet and I am taking all the time I need to make sure it’s mindfully introduced. Sorry ;).

So today. Today I sit at my desk. Re-scanning the images. Looking at them like I had forgotten them. What I wonderful thing this is. To love, to let go, then to find love once again. So much that the title I was struggling with so much immediately became apparent. That things were clear and I had a fresh mind to access this work again. I can now move forward with gratitude. Gratitude I have the opportunities I have to even create as I do.

So my message really is about giving the work time. Letting it grow as it should. Not pushing it out to the world without a a firm grounding. I love making new work but some of it requires attention way past the actual image itself. Time away from it can be just what is needed.

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